Author Archives: Breanne

Talking and Walking

Abrielle is a pro at walking now. She still falls alot and her poor head always has bruises on it, but she is doing well. She is talking more and more. She likes to point at things and say, “What is that?’. She says mama, dada, Kiah, up, dance, look. She uses signs for a lot of things too. She signs, bird, doggy, baby-doll, eat, more, up, and ball. She is learning her body parts too and can find her head, nose, toes and we are working on her ears and eyes. She is such a sweet girl and is still very attatched to mommy.

Walking and Signing

Abrielle has been walking all over the house today. She has been taking a few steps here and there, but I put a long dress on her today and she has a hard time crawling in it. So she decided to walk.
Abrielle has been using few signs as well. She uses the signs eat, more, up and we are working on please. She is getting so big! Her birthday is in only three days!!