Stroller Ride
Abrielle fits in Mekiah’s doll stroller, barely. He had fun pushing her around.
Rolled Over
Abrielle rolled over today, on her 5 month birthday. She can roll from her back to her tummy, but then gets stuck.
Like mother, like daughter
Happy Easter
Growing Girl
Abrielle is now 4 months old. She weighs 16lbs 12oz and is 25 1/2 inches long. She is in the 95% for her height and weight. She is so cute and rolly-polly! I love chubby babies, they are so snuggley!
Fancy Girl
A friend, Holly, gave Abrielle this dress. It is so cute and she loves to feel it!
Today was a beautiful day so Abrielle got to try out her swing. She loved it and almost fell asleep in it.
She is wearing mommy’s hat to keep the sun out of her eyes.
Already a Drama Queen
Abrielle already has a pouty lip. It is cute, for now anyways…..
Smiley Girl
Abrielle Smiles a lot and is starting to coo. It is so cute!