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Abrielle on trike
Abrielle Sleeping
Abrielle the bug catcher
Saying lots of words and sentences
Today, I was sitting in a chair out by the front yard. Abrielle walked up to me and said “I want to sit in that seat”.
She is learning more and more words and surprising us with sentences almost every day. Her doctor says that she is way ahead of most other 18 month olds with her vocabulary and ability to form sentences.
We figure that her vocabulary is roughly 100-150 words.
She can say: momma, dadda, Kia (Mekiah), kitty, doggy, Lizzy Lou (our golden retriever), snack, apple, banana, bug, truck, car, tree, flower, swing, milk, juice, cup, baby, shoes, cute, noodle, meat, nose, eyes, mouth, hair, ear, hands, bye-bye, belly, mine, no-no, outside, slide, play, ball, airplane, bear, Chewy (mekiah’s hamster), bird, fish, house, chip, egg, cheese, rock, hot, “don’t touch”, and many other words.
She also says, “Who is that”, “where is that”, “what is that”, “where momma go?”, “where Kia go?”, “there it is!”.
Cheese face.

Abrielle diving for ring
Surprised us with her first complete sentence today
Today, Abrielle was in her carseat, and we had just got home from the grocery store. Mekiah got out of the car and ran in the house. Then Abrielle surprised us by blurting out “Kia, wait for Abrielle! Kia, wait for Abrielle!”
Her first complete sentences, and she hardly knows very many words yet!
Talking and Walking
Abrielle is a pro at walking now. She still falls alot and her poor head always has bruises on it, but she is doing well. She is talking more and more. She likes to point at things and say, “What is that?’. She says mama, dada, Kiah, up, dance, look. She uses signs for a lot of things too. She signs, bird, doggy, baby-doll, eat, more, up, and ball. She is learning her body parts too and can find her head, nose, toes and we are working on her ears and eyes. She is such a sweet girl and is still very attatched to mommy.
Walking and Signing
Abrielle has been walking all over the house today. She has been taking a few steps here and there, but I put a long dress on her today and she has a hard time crawling in it. So she decided to walk.
Abrielle has been using few signs as well. She uses the signs eat, more, up and we are working on please. She is getting so big! Her birthday is in only three days!!