Went upstairs to check on Abrielle playing in her room. Apparently she was tired and put herself down for a nap.

Went upstairs to check on Abrielle playing in her room. Apparently she was tired and put herself down for a nap.
Abrielle told me today with her hands on my face, “Mama, you’s is bootiful” “oh, you have sparkles on your wips” (Sparkles from my lip gloss). Such a sweet girl she is!
The other day, as I was putting Abrielle to bed, she looked up at me and said, “Mommy, you my best fwen. You my sweet fart.” (she meant sweetheart, of course). It was so cute!
A healthy baby girl: Abrielle McKenzie, born November 22, 2007 (Thanksgiving morning) at 9:21 am. 8 lbs, 5 oz.