We have a small hill in our back yard with two trees on it. Abrielle likes to call it “Mountain Hood”. Not “Mt. Hood”, but “Mountain Hood”. It is very cute!
Category Archives: Cute Things Abrielle Says
Just got married…
Abrielle just showed me flowers she picked and then told me she just got married.

Mommy, what’s my nerd name?
Abrielle: “Mommy, what’s my nerd name?”
Abrielle: “Ya, what’s my nerd name?”
Me: “You don’t have a nerd name.”
Abrielle: “Yes, I do. My name is Abrielle. And then, what’s my nerd name?
Me: “You mean your KNICK name? Your nickname is Bell.”
Abrielle: “Ya, my nickname.”
You will be the babysitter
Abrielle was talking about when she has babies and is a mommy. I told her that when she is a mommy, I will be the Gramma. “No,” she says, “You will not be the Gramma, you will be the babysitter.” I like the way this girl thinks…..
Abrielle’s quote of the day:
Why Abrielle is not really a princess.
Tonight when I was putting Abrielle to bed, she said that she was not really a princess. “Princess’ live in a castle and this is not a castle. See, this is a house. And a castle has a pink roof and our roof is brown. Some roofs are pink and some are brown. A princess lives in a tower and is up high, and my room (looking around her room) is not a tower. Towers have pointy tops and this house does not a a pointy top. A tower is really pointy and is sharp. As sharp as a spiky thorn. Some spiky thorns have poison on them so don’t touch them mommy. Okay, don’t touch spiky things.” Such a funny girl! I had to write this down quick before I forgot it.
a magic toot
This morning Abrielle did a toot and I asked her, “Hey did you just toot?” “Yes”, she says, “it was a magic toot cuz I am a magic girl”. I asked what happened when she tooted and she said, ” I turned into a princess and all my friends turned into princesses too.” lol =]
Funny Girl
I was out driving and Abrielle was in the back in her carseat, she dropped a toy and wanted me to get it. I could not get it since I was driving so she cried about it, then she asked to watch a movie in the car and I said no. So after more tears, she stops crying and says, ” You broke my heart, Mommy. You broke my heart”.
Wow, do I have years of drama ahead of me……….=]
You’s is Bootiful
Abrielle told me today with her hands on my face, “Mama, you’s is bootiful” “oh, you have sparkles on your wips” (Sparkles from my lip gloss). Such a sweet girl she is!
Best fwen, sweet fart
The other day, as I was putting Abrielle to bed, she looked up at me and said, “Mommy, you my best fwen. You my sweet fart.” (she meant sweetheart, of course). It was so cute!