Abrielle got her picture taken at Kiddie Kandids. Isn’t she cute!
Category Archives: Baby
Baby in a box
Abrielle loves to play in her box and she also loves this baby doll and drags it around with her and kisses it’s face.

Her first pig tail
She finally has enough hair for a tiny pig tail.

Helping Mommy Cook
I was making biscuits and let Abrielle play with some flour. She had a lot of fun making a mess.

Abrielle’s shawl
So cute!!

She is french!
I could not resist this outfit and had to buy it for Abrielle. She looks like she is a little french artist.
She is escaping!!

She got her ears pierced!
Abrielle got her ears pierced yesterday. I was finally brave enough to take her in. She only cried while they did it and as soon as it was over, she was fine. She was so brave that we went out for ice cream afterwards. People think she is a boy and since she does not have much hair I can’t put bows in her hair. So, the earing should help with people being confused and she looks so cute!!
Look who was standing up in bed!!